Monday, July 19, 2010

Animal and other testing....

I don't believe in animal testing with commercial cosmetic products intended for human use. However, I think that it's common sense to test animal-intended products on animals. I test everything on myself and if it passes that test, I test it on my dog. I have very oily skin, but his is sensitive and drys out easier, so he's an ideal subject. It's not the "smear them with lipstick until they die" sort of testing, but a basic, "is this gentle on skin and hair" testing. He's a service dog, so he gets a bath at LEAST once a week, if not more. He's constantly getting into things, so sometimes he'll get as many as four in a week. I don't test lotions and lip balms on him, though, because that's silly.

His love of crawling under the car for no apparent reason in this picture resulted in a test of my shampoo, which cleaned him wonderfully.

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